September 2019
September came, autumn startet knocking on the door, but the summer had no intention to leave!
We started the month with our good from the “Condors”club from the UK.
The weather was really good and unusually dry for the season. This provided for exceptional weather for the 2 weeks the “Condors”were visiting us! We had only 1 unflyable day due to strong winds.
In the mean time – Sopot and Dobrostan were continuously providing good thermic conditions for long flights.
In the first school day of the year we also started our irst beginners course for the Autumn season.
Again we had a strong presense from the UK. Eight brave man successfully finished the beginners course and flew straight in to the beautiful world of paragliding!
By the end of the month we managed to complete also our first autumn Active Piloting course and our BHPA EP course.
The end of September left us with some beautiul weather but also left us craving more flights – we hope October will provide!