Hey wanderer,

Come for a while to our oasis in the sky:
    Here you’ll enjoy one of the best sites for mountain and flatland cross-country flying in Europe. The fresh and sunny climate of Bulgaria makes the thermals strong and cloudbase high but if you don’t know how to reach them you can join our paragliding training school or the guided tours for your paragliding holiday.
    Tandem flights, safety training, equipment, paragliding articles … but we have a lot more to offer – wisdom, beauty, friendship…

It’s all about flying, freedom and adventures!

SkyNomad Team 

p.s. when winter comes you can join our paragliding migrations to Ethiopia and Kenya.

Полети с двуместен парапланер (тандем) и опитен инструктор

Обучение и курсове по парапланеризъм

Скайномад Тест Център 

News and Agenda